单位:Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Wayne State University
E-mail: sjiang@wayne.edu
主要研究方向:operating system, file and storage system, and high-performance computing
简介:Dr. Song Jiang is an associate professor of the ECE department at Wayne State University. He received his B.S and M.S from the University of Science and Technology of China, and his Ph.D in computer science at the College of William and Mary in 2004.
    He is a recipient of 2009 US National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER award. His research activities have been continuously supported by US NSF. He had been on numerous conference program committees and proposal review panels. He has been involved in projects at Facebook and Baidu as a collaborator for providing high-quality Internet-wide services based on big data, resulting in significant publications at top-tier conferences such as ACM Sigmetrics and ACM ASPLOS.
    Dr. Jiang’s research has generated substantial impact on the industry. Several of his proposed algorithms on memory and storage management have been officially adopted in mainstream systems including Linux kernel, NetBSD kernel, and storage engine of MySQL.